Vol. 2 | Issue 1 | Winter 2019
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Welcome to this issue of Crofton News: Above & Below! Thank you for joining us as we kick off 2019. We hope your year is off to a great start. This is a very special year for us, as we are celebrating our 70th anniversary! In the upcoming issues, we will of course cover exciting projects and announcements; but this year we will take a little extra time to share our story with you. We are proud of our history and it influences us every day—from the way we answer the phone and respond to emergencies to how we problem solve and the way we treat each other. We say it every issue and we’ll keep saying it, we value history at Crofton, because where we’ve been is part of where we’re going. And if you’re reading this, you are a part of our history. Thank you for joining us!